Server Requirements To Activate The Script

To install the Script the minimum server requirements are :

  • - PHP version 8.1.0
  • - MySQL 5.6+
  • - BCmath PHP Extension
  • - Ctype PHP Extension
  • - DOM PHP Extension
  • - FileInfo Extension
  • - OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • - PDO PHP Extension
  • - Mbstring PHP Extension
  • - Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • - JSON PHP Extension
  • - CURL PHP Extension
  • - PCRE PHP Extension
  • - XML PHP Extension
  • - GD PHP Extension
  • - Mod_rewrite PHP Extension

Please Note:

- This script will work on the root domain & sub-domain only. It will not work on the sub-folder.

- If you want to install it in localhost, you need to create a virtual host for installing the script.